Ed Meredith Artworks
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The Work / Artist Statement:






The Work / Artist Statement:


Trying to describe or define what one's intentions are when creating objects called "art", or what one would like the object to reflect or state, is mostly lost in the abstractions of language or in the cultural and personal experiences of both the creator and the viewer. Therefore, the interpretations as to whether my paintings and drawings are merely decorative or have any personal, political, sociological, psychological or spiritual significance, is entirely up to the viewer. I do my art as a meditative state of self-discovery and a way to be lost in the moment, the creative moment that hopefully carries on throughout my waking life. My process has always been one of discovery, equal parts creativity and reaction to what is already there. For example, a spill of paint or the marbling of stone, the shape of a tree its bark or the mossy ground it sits upon may evoke all sorts of images. These images offer me an infinite number of relative shapes and forms that interlock to create one another, one form existing only because of the other. My hope is that the viewer will take time to see what is there, outside the obviousness of awareness, the main focus on things, and look in the periphery where most of the world exists and is ignored.

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